The following are the critical workouts for Delphi athletes to complete their first week of training, and most recovery (i.e. “super-compensation”) cycles leading towards their key competitions. While these sessions will be scheduled in TrainingPeaks, it is acceptable to adjust their timing during the week if necessary
Please email me your T-pace in the pool. In order to get that (which will provide your zones for the swim), please do the following swim workout once at some point this week:
- T-Pace Swim Test:this test establishs your threshold pace (called “T-Pace,”) which we will use as a reference for future interval work.
- WU: start slow and gradually build pace/effort. 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim.
- MS: after the warm-up, swim 500 (Intermediate) yards/meters at a constant pace and good effort—as if racing.
- WD: easy swimming as needed.
Please ryour average pace per 100 on the MS and send that to me. This pace becomes your “T-pace” until our next swim test!
Please email me your LTHR. In order to get that (which will provide your zones for the run), please do the following workout once, at some point this week:
- WU: 15′ including 4 x 30 at 5k pace.
- MS: run a 5k Time Trial. Find a relatively flat course (or track) for your test. Goal is to hold a pace you can sustain for the full duration of the test without blowing up and without having a lot left to kick at the end. The ideal course is one you can test on repeatedly.
- WD: walking, jogging as needed, etc.
- Bonus: if you can record miles splits for this test.
Get average HR for test, this is your Lactate Threshold HR used to calculate HR training zones.
You will likely have difficulty selecting the proper pace in your initial testing attempts; give yourself time. If you really struggle, you may find it necessary to stop and retest later in the day (or week).
If we have planned to train without a bike trainer, power meter or TrainerRoad, please complete a bike LTHR test.
All that’s required is running (or riding) as hard as you can possibly go for 30 minutes ALL BY YOURSELF.
Once you’ve captured the data in your device download it to your software and find your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. That’s an approximation of your LTHR (also often referred to as anaerobic threshold or functional threshold heart rate). Note that this DOES NOT mean that you go easy for 10 minutes and then turn it on with 20 minutes remaining. It’s 30 minutes all out.
Do not watch your heart rate during the test. You’re not trying to produce a given number. Do not be concerned with anything other than are you going as hard as you can go right now. If the answer is “yes” then you are doing the test right.
Can be done with a electronic “smart” trainer, a power meter or a speed/cadence sensor.
Please establish to TrainerRoad (TR) account at: and send me your login information! I recognize that there is a cost to this service ($12/mon), but this $12 will be THE BEST investment you can make in your training. If you’re not sure, you can go monthly initially and then decide later if it’s worth it to buy the 12-mon subscription for $99. A huge part of your bike training this year will be via TR.
Select a designated computer for interfacing with TR. A work PC or similar will work okay, but I strongly recommend a separate machine, ideally a laptop. Please don’t go out and purchase something new or expensive, but most folks can locate an old unused PC somewhere in their network of friends and family. TR is NOT graphics intensive, but I strongly suggest a machine with a reasonably modern graphics card (last 3 years), because TR is so much better with NetFlix/Hulu/Amazon Prime!!
In addition, if you will be using a separate computer you may wish to purchase a second ANT+ sensor if one is not easily accessible, separate from the sensor for your GPS watch. It’s worth the cost of a second sensor to avoid having to transport it back and forth between the computer you download to Garmin Connect and TrainingPeaks. It does NOT have to be Garmin. In addition, you are definitely going to need a big fan if you don’t have one yet.
Once you have TR set up, please experiment with a few short rides on it this week, anytime you want- minimum of 45 minutes each. Don’t worry about the actual data, all I want is for you to get comfortable with the application and make sure the software actually displays your main data (power, HR and cadence). Save the workouts when you are done. I will teach you everything about it soon!
For your first rides, choose whatever you want, but I would suggest Thunderbolt:
Once you’ve completed 1-2 TR rides successfully, please perform your FTP test, which is the granddaddy of all tests for improving your bike training and overall fitness. That test will give us your zones for the bike:
“20-Minute Test”:
This will be the most important bike session of your life, you’ll do it many times and it’s really hard. So bring a bucket!!
Otherwise, just stick with what you’re doing with your existing training If you can get TR set up this week, and we can go into next week with your FTP, LTHR and swim T-pace- and you’ll have added more value to your training than you’ve done since you met me! This sounds like a lot. And it is! Just pace yourself- you’re looking at five major workouts this week, and remember to give yourself some space around the TR sessions. Soon you will have so much knowledge of how to complete a proper triathlon that you won’t even recognize the athlete you are today. So hang in there!